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So far Administrator has created 84 blog entries.

Implants and surgery guide


Implantation is a common procedure today, as dental implants have been known for over 50 years and have been thoroughly researched. Implantation is the best way to replace one or more missing teeth. The implant is a Titanium screw, the surface of which is designed and treated to grow into the bone as quickly as possible and last a long time. Implantation or insertion of a screw into the jaw bone can be: Immediate (immediately after tooth extraction or gentle removal) Early 6 weeks after tooth extraction Late (it is necessary to augment or increase bone or soft tissue,

Implants and surgery guide2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

About dental erosions


Erosion is an abnormal, chronic, localized loss of tooth hard tissue caused by acid levels in the mouth, a process that occurs in the absence of bacteria. The causes of erosion can be various: diet, medication, profession, diseases of the digestive system, psychosomatic diseases, vomiting related to pregnancy, etc. Erosion can cause severe damage to the hard tissues of the tooth and tooth sensitivity. How to treat? The cause of erosion must be identified and eliminated Sensitizers (toothpastes, toothpastes, etc.) can be used for small enamel losses. Restorations (composite aesthetic restorations / ceramic restorations) are used for major lesions

About dental erosions2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Dead tooth


There are situations when a lifeless tooth becomes darker over time. One of the ways to solve this problem is tooth whitening. This option is minimally invasive as there is no need to grind the tooth extra. It may take 1-3 times to get the desired result. If internal whitening does not help, you can switch to other methods. :)

Dead tooth2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Aesthetic dental restoration


Stāsts no prakses: Pacients atnāca ar sūdzībām par nolūzušo plombu priekšējam zobam, kā arī ar vēlmi slēgt spraugu starp centrāliem priekšzobiem. Pēc pacienta vārdiem iepriekšēja plomba vienmēr lūza, kā arī plombējama materiāla krāsa bija atšķirīga no dabīgas zobu krāsas. Saviem pacientiem mēs vienmēr cenšamies piedāvāt vairākus ārstēšanas variantus. Arī šajā gadījumā tika piedāvātas dažādas opcijas: ortodontiska zobu savilkšana, spraugu slēgšana ar restoratīvo materiālu. Pacients izvēlējas otro variantu. Mēs veicam darbu minimāli invazīva ceļā, gandrīz neslīpējot zobu. Lai restaurācija nelūztu mēs atjaunojam arī nodilušus kanīnus jeb acu zobus (atjaunojam tā saucamo kanīnu ceļu) un ieteicam obligāti lietot nakts kapi. Gan

Aesthetic dental restoration2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

The main causes and solutions of tooth sensitivity!


Your teeth may become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet or other irritations. * after dental hygiene (if deep gingival pockets were cleaned)! Sensitivity usually resolves within a few days or a week. The dental hygienist recommends mouthwash and sensitive toothpaste for sensitive teeth, as well as applying a protective varnish (Tefenfluoride) on the teeth, which removes tooth sensitivity. For the prevention of caries In the initial stage of caries elimination or white spot stage Enamel protection during orthodontics Mi Paste Plus -  recommended as a good fluoride-containing cream for desensitization! Mi Paste (without Plus) is recommended for children under 6

The main causes and solutions of tooth sensitivity!2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

We are also waiting for the smallest patients


Mīļie vecāki, rūpējaties par savu bērnu zobiņiem🦷 jau no pašas bērnības❗🙌 ☝Ļoti svarīgi regulāri vest bērnus uz zobu pārbaudi un higiēnu, lai zobi augtu stipri un veseli🦷💪 Bērniem profilaktiskās vizītes ieteicams veikt reizi pusgadā! Saviem mazajiem pacientiem vienmēr sarūpējam arī dāvanas, lai prieks atgriezties🎁💚

We are also waiting for the smallest patients2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Incredible transformations


Mūsu kliente ir sajūsmā no rezultātā un mēs esam ļoti apmierināti ar paveikto darbu👩🏻⚕️💚🦷 Ar venīru palīdzību var ievērojami uzlabot Jūsu smaida estētiku 👉 galvenais ir individuālā pieeja un ārsta kompetence❗👩🏻⚕️ Pierakstāties uz konsultāciju un mēs piemeklēsim tieši Jums vajadzīgo risinājumu👌

Incredible transformations2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Today we will talk about the pathology of congenital tooth hard tissue


Šīs izmaiņas zoba cietajos audos veidojas vēl pirms zoba izšķilšanās🤓 un var būt saistītas ar nepareizu zoba skaitu, formu, lielumu vai struktūru. 👉Īlen veida zobi ir zobi, kuriem ir izmainīta anatomiska forma. Zobi ir konusveidīgi un pēc izmēra ir mazāki kā normā. Visbiežāk tiek skarti 2. priekšzobi. Ja pacientu neapmierina zoba izskats, to var mainīt ar restaurācijas palīdzību👄 līdzīgi kā Jūs varat redzēt fotogrāfijā. ☝Lai uzzinātu par Jūsu gadījumu lūdzu pieteikties uz konsultāciju pie mūsu zobārstiem!👩🏻⚕️💚

Today we will talk about the pathology of congenital tooth hard tissue2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Removable implant – based prostheses


For patients who experience the discomfort of a removable prosthesis (falling while eating or talking) and the adhesive fixation does not ensure their stability throughout the day, then there is a modern solution. Removable implant - based prostheses Provides:     Comfort Easy denture removal and care Stable fixation due to fixation elements connecting the implant part to the plate (No denture fixation glue required) Effectively supports prostheses in cases of severe bone loss when implantation is limited Much lower costs compared to fixed or non-removable dentures They perfectly support the lips and cheeks, filling the space to flatten

Removable implant – based prostheses2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00
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