Aesthetic dentistry

How to improve a smile


There are different ways to improve your smile: If the shape and condition of the teeth is good, then the natural color of the teeth can be improved by performing annual dental hygiene. If you want to get lighter teeth, you can whiten them either in the dentist's chair or at home (it is better to ask your dentist) If the condition of the teeth is not so perfect, different solutions can be found depending on the depth and width of the defect! Small and medium defects can be filled, larger ones can be covered by covering the visible

How to improve a smile2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Aesthetic dental restoration


Stāsts no prakses: Pacients atnāca ar sūdzībām par nolūzušo plombu priekšējam zobam, kā arī ar vēlmi slēgt spraugu starp centrāliem priekšzobiem. Pēc pacienta vārdiem iepriekšēja plomba vienmēr lūza, kā arī plombējama materiāla krāsa bija atšķirīga no dabīgas zobu krāsas. Saviem pacientiem mēs vienmēr cenšamies piedāvāt vairākus ārstēšanas variantus. Arī šajā gadījumā tika piedāvātas dažādas opcijas: ortodontiska zobu savilkšana, spraugu slēgšana ar restoratīvo materiālu. Pacients izvēlējas otro variantu. Mēs veicam darbu minimāli invazīva ceļā, gandrīz neslīpējot zobu. Lai restaurācija nelūztu mēs atjaunojam arī nodilušus kanīnus jeb acu zobus (atjaunojam tā saucamo kanīnu ceļu) un ieteicam obligāti lietot nakts kapi. Gan

Aesthetic dental restoration2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Incredible transformations


Mūsu kliente ir sajūsmā no rezultātā un mēs esam ļoti apmierināti ar paveikto darbu👩🏻⚕️💚🦷 Ar venīru palīdzību var ievērojami uzlabot Jūsu smaida estētiku 👉 galvenais ir individuālā pieeja un ārsta kompetence❗👩🏻⚕️ Pierakstāties uz konsultāciju un mēs piemeklēsim tieši Jums vajadzīgo risinājumu👌

Incredible transformations2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Today we will talk about the pathology of congenital tooth hard tissue


Šīs izmaiņas zoba cietajos audos veidojas vēl pirms zoba izšķilšanās🤓 un var būt saistītas ar nepareizu zoba skaitu, formu, lielumu vai struktūru. 👉Īlen veida zobi ir zobi, kuriem ir izmainīta anatomiska forma. Zobi ir konusveidīgi un pēc izmēra ir mazāki kā normā. Visbiežāk tiek skarti 2. priekšzobi. Ja pacientu neapmierina zoba izskats, to var mainīt ar restaurācijas palīdzību👄 līdzīgi kā Jūs varat redzēt fotogrāfijā. ☝Lai uzzinātu par Jūsu gadījumu lūdzu pieteikties uz konsultāciju pie mūsu zobārstiem!👩🏻⚕️💚

Today we will talk about the pathology of congenital tooth hard tissue2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Some facts about composite or “white” seals


Today, composite fillings have become the No.1 choice in dental practice due to their improved properties, and silver or "metal or dark" fillings are taking a back seat because they are considered to pollute the environment and adversely affect the human body. Modern composites show excellent results when combined with a direct technique, i.e. filling the tooth immediately after removal of the old filling or carious mass (minor damage), or an indirect technique, i.e. ordering a filling from a technical laboratory in case of extensive tooth loss or defect. The test results show the advantages of composite or white

Some facts about composite or “white” seals2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Some facts about veneers!


If the color or shape of the tooth is not so perfect and you want to improve your smile, then dental ceramic veneers can help. These are thin (0.5-1.5 mm) plates that attach to the front visible part of the tooth if the tooth is: spotted is between the gaps between the teeth is worn or torn is damaged Advantages: Aesthetic Does not stain Serves an average of 10 years and longer No need to grind or grind your tooth slightly (up to 0.5mm) Do not damage your teeth No painful procedure Trūkumi: Samērā dārgi Trausli (var nolūzt, nejauši

Some facts about veneers!2024-12-27T12:14:17+02:00

Permanent tooth injuries


Dental injuries can be very different - fractures of a tooth crown with / without nerve involvement, fractures of a tooth root, a tooth bruise, etc. What to do if a tooth crown fracture occurred? The best option is to keep a piece of broken tooth, as it may be able to stick it back (Remember, there is nothing better than your tooth). It is important to go to the dentist immediately (within 24 hours) to assess the complexity of the dental injury. The dentist will assess whether the tooth nerve is damaged and will take an X-ray to

Permanent tooth injuries2024-08-23T14:14:37+03:00
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