The reasons for tooth discoloration


There are two types of tooth discoloration: Internal tooth repainting and external tooth repainting; Internal tooth coating is suitable in the following cases; genetic certainty; enamel erosion / wear; systemic use of antibiotics; fluorosis; amalgam or "silver" seals; old "white" seals; lifeless tooth. It will help to repaint the external tooth in such cases smoking; food (red wine, beets, coffee); medicines (iron-containing preparations). It should be understood that there is an appropriate treatment for each type of repainting. Some will be helped by external teeth whitening, others by internal teeth whitening. There will also be cases when tooth color

The reasons for tooth discoloration2024-08-23T14:14:11+03:00

Dental mouthguards


There are different types of dental cemeteries in dentistry night capes; sports capes; dental burials, etc., for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. THIS TIME ABOUT NIGHT CEMETERY Night grave - protects tooth tissue from wear bruxists (parafunctional activity characterized by tight compression or grating of teeth, which is outside the normal function)  Protects restoration or ceramic crowns or veneers from breakage  Removes muscle tension and stabilizes the jaw joint KĀ UN CIK ILGI LIETOT?  Parasti veido vienam žoklim-augšžoklim vai apakšžoklim, to iesaka zobārsts;  Nakts kape ir izņemama plastikāta uzlika pāri zobiem ir 1-1,5mm bieza, caurspīdīga;  Parasti liek uz nakti vai

Dental mouthguards2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Recommendations for patients with erosion


Recommendations: The cause of erosion must always be found and eliminated (changing diet, treating general illnesses, etc.); Rinse mouth with water after vomiting episodes or after taking acidic foods / drinks; After vomiting or the use of acidic products, teeth should not be cleaned for at least 30 minutes; Take soft drinks only with meals; Use only non-abrasive toothpastes; Use only soft toothbrushes; Dilute acidic beverages (such as juices); Use fluoride toothpastes; Coat your teeth with F varnishes

Recommendations for patients with erosion2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

What to do if a child has a toothache


Children love to be on the move - running, jumping, skating, sledding or cycling. But sometimes you also stumble upon it. Falling out with a broken tooth - what to do and how to do it right? If a baby breaks a milk tooth - you will have to say goodbye to the tooth when you grow new. If you have a permanent tooth knocked out: 1) Find a broken tooth. 2) Holding the tooth behind the tooth crown, rinse it under cold running water for 5 seconds only if it is dirty. 3) Put the tooth back in

What to do if a child has a toothache2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

How to improve a smile


There are different ways to improve your smile: If the shape and condition of the teeth is good, then the natural color of the teeth can be improved by performing annual dental hygiene. If you want to get lighter teeth, you can whiten them either in the dentist's chair or at home (it is better to ask your dentist) If the condition of the teeth is not so perfect, different solutions can be found depending on the depth and width of the defect! Small and medium defects can be filled, larger ones can be covered by covering the visible

How to improve a smile2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Implants and surgery guide


Implantation is a common procedure today, as dental implants have been known for over 50 years and have been thoroughly researched. Implantation is the best way to replace one or more missing teeth. The implant is a Titanium screw, the surface of which is designed and treated to grow into the bone as quickly as possible and last a long time. Implantation or insertion of a screw into the jaw bone can be: Immediate (immediately after tooth extraction or gentle removal) Early 6 weeks after tooth extraction Late (it is necessary to augment or increase bone or soft tissue,

Implants and surgery guide2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

About dental erosions


Erosion is an abnormal, chronic, localized loss of tooth hard tissue caused by acid levels in the mouth, a process that occurs in the absence of bacteria. The causes of erosion can be various: diet, medication, profession, diseases of the digestive system, psychosomatic diseases, vomiting related to pregnancy, etc. Erosion can cause severe damage to the hard tissues of the tooth and tooth sensitivity. How to treat? The cause of erosion must be identified and eliminated Sensitizers (toothpastes, toothpastes, etc.) can be used for small enamel losses. Restorations (composite aesthetic restorations / ceramic restorations) are used for major lesions

About dental erosions2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Dead tooth


There are situations when a lifeless tooth becomes darker over time. One of the ways to solve this problem is tooth whitening. This option is minimally invasive as there is no need to grind the tooth extra. It may take 1-3 times to get the desired result. If internal whitening does not help, you can switch to other methods. :)

Dead tooth2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00

Aesthetic dental restoration


Stāsts no prakses: Pacients atnāca ar sūdzībām par nolūzušo plombu priekšējam zobam, kā arī ar vēlmi slēgt spraugu starp centrāliem priekšzobiem. Pēc pacienta vārdiem iepriekšēja plomba vienmēr lūza, kā arī plombējama materiāla krāsa bija atšķirīga no dabīgas zobu krāsas. Saviem pacientiem mēs vienmēr cenšamies piedāvāt vairākus ārstēšanas variantus. Arī šajā gadījumā tika piedāvātas dažādas opcijas: ortodontiska zobu savilkšana, spraugu slēgšana ar restoratīvo materiālu. Pacients izvēlējas otro variantu. Mēs veicam darbu minimāli invazīva ceļā, gandrīz neslīpējot zobu. Lai restaurācija nelūztu mēs atjaunojam arī nodilušus kanīnus jeb acu zobus (atjaunojam tā saucamo kanīnu ceļu) un ieteicam obligāti lietot nakts kapi. Gan

Aesthetic dental restoration2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00
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