Pediatric dentistry

Why is it important for a child to visit the dentist?


Milk teeth must be corrected as they are important for the health of the baby and the development of the jaws. Here are just a few reasons to keep an eye on the health of your baby's milk teeth: 📌Chewing: milk teeth help to chew food. Damage to them can make eating more difficult and cause digestive problems. 📌Speech: milk teeth are needed for speech development. If they are damaged or fall out too early, this can affect the pronunciation of sounds. 📌Stay space for permanent teeth: if milk teeth are lost too early, permanent teeth can grow in the

Why is it important for a child to visit the dentist?2024-12-12T15:29:06+02:00



There is a myth that milk teeth do not hurt and do not need to be treated. This is not true. 👉 Milk teeth have a very similar structure to permanent teeth. They have a crown, roots and a tooth nerve inside. Milk teeth can easily develop tooth decay and if not detected early, tooth decay can affect the tooth nerve. Another myth is that a child has genetically bad teeth like one of his relatives. This is also not true. 👉 Even if someone in the family has had several dental problems, with good hygiene and regular check-ups, tooth

HOW AND WHY DO WE TREAT MILK TEETH?2024-12-12T15:30:16+02:00

What to do if a child has a toothache


Children love to be on the move - running, jumping, skating, sledding or cycling. But sometimes you also stumble upon it. Falling out with a broken tooth - what to do and how to do it right? If a baby breaks a milk tooth - you will have to say goodbye to the tooth when you grow new. If you have a permanent tooth knocked out: 1) Find a broken tooth. 2) Holding the tooth behind the tooth crown, rinse it under cold running water for 5 seconds only if it is dirty. 3) Put the tooth back in

What to do if a child has a toothache2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

We are also waiting for the smallest patients


Mīļie vecāki, rūpējaties par savu bērnu zobiņiem🦷 jau no pašas bērnības❗🙌 ☝Ļoti svarīgi regulāri vest bērnus uz zobu pārbaudi un higiēnu, lai zobi augtu stipri un veseli🦷💪 Bērniem profilaktiskās vizītes ieteicams veikt reizi pusgadā! Saviem mazajiem pacientiem vienmēr sarūpējam arī dāvanas, lai prieks atgriezties🎁💚

We are also waiting for the smallest patients2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00
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