Tooth mouthguards



Stress has a negative impact on our psycho-emotional state, which makes bruxism, or "gnashing of teeth", a hot topic Often people are unaware of how stressful situations during the day or in their sleep cause them to grind or clench their teeth, which contributes to tooth breakage or increased sensitivity to various irritants. If you notice that: 👉 your teeth are cracking 👉 breaking, becoming noticeably yellow in the middle and flatter or shorter 👉 when you wake up and feel tension in your facial muscles or jaw joint 👉 several teeth are sensitive, it's time to go to the

ABOUT TOOTH WEAR2024-08-23T14:13:33+03:00

Dental mouthguards


There are different types of dental cemeteries in dentistry night capes; sports capes; dental burials, etc., for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. THIS TIME ABOUT NIGHT CEMETERY Night grave - protects tooth tissue from wear bruxists (parafunctional activity characterized by tight compression or grating of teeth, which is outside the normal function)  Protects restoration or ceramic crowns or veneers from breakage  Removes muscle tension and stabilizes the jaw joint KĀ UN CIK ILGI LIETOT?  Parasti veido vienam žoklim-augšžoklim vai apakšžoklim, to iesaka zobārsts;  Nakts kape ir izņemama plastikāta uzlika pāri zobiem ir 1-1,5mm bieza, caurspīdīga;  Parasti liek uz nakti vai

Dental mouthguards2024-08-23T14:14:35+03:00

Some facts about tooth wear


Unfortunately, the protracted pandemic and stress adversely affect our psycho-emotional state and, as a result, bruxism or so-called "Tooth cutting" theme. Often people do not realize or notice how stressful during the day or sleep grating their teeth or simply squeezing their teeth, which contributes to their fracture cracking or increased sensitivity of teeth to various irritants. If you notice that: teeth crack to break becomes noticeably yellower in the middle and smoother or shorter when you wake up, you feel tension in the muscles of your face or jaw sensitive to several teeth *you have time to go

Some facts about tooth wear2024-08-23T14:14:36+03:00
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