If the color or shape of the tooth is not so perfect and you want to improve your smile, then dental ceramic veneers can help.
These are thin (0.5-1.5 mm) plates that attach to the front visible part of the tooth if the tooth is:
- spotted
- is between the gaps between the teeth
- is worn or torn
- is damaged
- Aesthetic
- Does not stain
- Serves an average of 10 years and longer
- No need to grind or grind your tooth slightly (up to 0.5mm)
- Do not damage your teeth
- No painful procedure
- Samērā dārgi
- Trausli (var nolūzt, nejauši uzkožot dakšiņai), ko viegli var pielabot, ja nošķeļas mazs gabaliņš
Svarīgs ir sakodiens ilgtermiņa venīru noturībai (nodiluši sānu zobi var būt par iemeslu priekšzobu problēmām).
Cik venīri ir nepieciešami skaistam smaidam ir atkarīgs no tā cik zobi redzami smaidot, parasti no 8 līdz 10 katrā žoklī.
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