❓ Patients sometimes ask why do they need an X-ray?
X-rays are taken to detect caries or holes, inflammation, root anatomy and to assess the quality of root canal treatment. As a result of the X-ray, the doctor is better able to diagnose the problem and predict the possible course/complexity of further treatment. During root canal treatment or endodontics, several X-rays are usually taken, as this is the only way for the doctor to ascertain the quality of the treatment carried out. Therefore, patients should not be concerned if several X-rays are taken on the same tooth.
❓ Are dental X-rays harmful to health?
During a dental X-ray, the patient is exposed to a very low dose of radiation. Taking one X-ray in the dentist’s chair gives the patient 0.001-0.008mSv, which is about the same as the background radiation received per day from natural radiation sources such as the sun, the ground and even food. It is also almost the same dose of radiation that a person receives on a short flight (1.5h).